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Jack van de Poll - Typico

(Dutch, translated via Google translate)

Hi Fleur,

It’s a beautiful, spacious house in a peaceful location. Suitable for those in search of tranquillity, and yet close to beautiful beaches. The house is decorated in a beautiful style and gives you a real Ibiza feeling. The pool, the lovely lounge terrace and the outdoor kitchen complete the picture.


Jack Poll

Nienke Kruyt - Typico

(Dutch, translated via Google translate)

Dear Reinoud, on second anniversary trip with twelve of Ibiza !!! Thanks One Villas Ibiza has become an unforgettable week. Reinout Cate, one of the owners of One Villas Ibiza, our uninvited just upgraded to an even bigger and better house than we had already made ​​in the organization. An old traditional finca in idyllic surroundings in the green hills of- northern Ibiza. We enjoyed the outside BBQ, the swimming pool with palm trees and sun beds, beautiful views and the setting sun. Spacious bedrooms with lovely beds, meditatiebed the middle of the balcony of the house and the many places around the house where you could retire with a good book or a glass of wine without intrusion. The atmosphere in and around the house was perfect: fresh picked flowers, pumpkins into bowls and personal care for the house made ​​the holiday also a great success. Reinout and Steven: thank you for your kind care. We will definitely go to the island, and will of course again when you turn to for such great villa !!!! ?? Much love from year club Kiwi!

Marc Tuerlings - Vista Moli

(Dutch, translated via Google translate)

Hey Fleur,

Villa Moli is a fine house, it has a nice pool with lots of privacy, beautiful views and lovely terraces!! Cala Vadella is around the corner and has a very nice bay with very good restaurants.

Marc Tuerlings

Qu'est ce que vous pouvez attendre de nous?

  • Le meilleur service personnaliséservice
  • Personnel francophone à Ibiza
  • Nous connaissons nos villas et nous visitons nos villas régulièrement
  • Disponible 24/7 pendant votre séjour
  • Accompagnement lors du check-in à la villa
  • Garantie-SGR

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